Be the change you want to see in the world. ~Ghandi~
Travel, my first and biggest passion, because if you once begin you cannot stop even if you try. I admit, I’ve never fully known what is it that I truly want. At first I was switching schools than I was switching jobs. I knew something was out of line if you feel you want to change your work every three or four months. I was always looking for something, until I’ve stopped and closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. I was perfectly calm and tranquil at the moment when I asked myself: “Žan, what is it you really want to do in your life? What is it that you would do, if there were no financial barriers in your way?”
People are getting more and more aware, and I am no exception, about the importance of our nourishment. This influenced my answer, which was – I want to learn all about food, gardening, self-sufficiency and more. I also wanted to, after I’d learn enough, share the knowledge with the rest of the world. Why? We all know that our hair, nails, our skin and everything is made of food we eat.
This was not the only reason for my journey. I wanted to see the world and still plan to, but I also wanted to get away from it all, escape from “normality” (which seems to be: rushing one pass the other, buying things we don’t even need…).
My first step was buying a ticket that took me from Trieste to London, from where I got a bus fare for three pounds, which took me all the way to the Scottish capital Glasgow.
Personally I didn’t care much about the money I had, and never asked if I had enough. Would I, I’d probably never really leave and would still be stuck in the same place with the same question. When I waved in farewell to Slovenia I had 1.800 EUR on my bank account. You’ve read it right, there’s no zero missing. I just knew I was “called” to go and haven’t regretted leaving.
Reaching Glasgow I felt like walking, as walking made me think. There were first worries and fears wakening. So, you’ve got 1.800 EUR and endless time… what’s next?
This is where all started. I decided to become a volunteer at the organic farms all around UK. I became a WWOOFer, which allowed me to fulfil my plan to learn as much as possible about self-sufficiency and everything that comes along with it. Also, I’ve decided not to spend my money on traveling from one point to the other.
My first, two month stay, where I’ve been accepted as a WWOOFer was in an Hare Krishna ashram. I wanted to find out what this even is, as most people back home would just tell me they only dance and sing all day.
I’ve learned during my stay with them, this is not all. Getting to know them, I’ve also learned about caring for fruit trees, planting, yoga and many other things. Apart from living in an ashram, I’ve learned these people have and go to work, educate others about different things and it was these two months that made me realize two months in Scotland are not enough and that I want to learn as much as possible. This was the beginning of my one year project on how to live in UK for a year, without spending any money. Is it even possible? I’ve begun on August first in 2015 and will end the project at the end of August next year.
It is now more than three months since I’ve began and I can’t truly say how much knowledge I’ve gained about “feeding” the soil, how to plant, how to gather fruit, water and so much more. I’ve met many “teachers” who passed their knowledge on to me and I am very happy of knowledge of mushrooms and collecting them, and also on how to survive in nature. I am grateful I can share my knowledge at local markets all over Scotland, where I raise awareness of people about how important is the locally produced organic food. I have to say that these people are accepting the knowledge thankfully.
I’ve been able to discover that travel is the best and only true school there is. And not just that. It can be completely free, maybe we have to – sometimes – give a pound or euro for a HI hostel, but only when it is really necessary.
I have also learned that by being a WWOOFer I’m never really away from the family, as this one is always around me, just the members change with my moving around. And this really I a journey, for there are different debates and the table during supper. With the family I’m currently with, I’ve learned how they got the cat. You won’t believe it, but there’s a whole story about it. And not just about the cat. There’s also a story of an elderly gentlemen, who became an activist over a decade ago, for he already knew that locally produced organic food is the real deal and not the things we can find on the shelves of the supermarkets.
In conclusion I always like to stress that we can do anything we want. We don’t bother with past or future, because the only thing we got is HERE and NOW. You’ve got the power to change this moment and make it perfect. You’ve got the power to do as I did and go into the world to learn more than you already know. You can chose weather you’ll spend your money on a new iPhone or buy a one way ticket that will give you the knowledge and empower you to do things to make your heart sing. Today is the day. Today is time for change. I’ve chose change – what about you?