Miran Šinko had known since he was a youth that travel are something that gives meaning to his life. He started travelling independently when he was 14, when he and a group of his classmates travelled to Netherlands. Then other travels continued. His passion for travel was so big not even his job stands in the way of his traveling.
How do you feel about your first travels?
Miran: »It was my parents who gave me my first contact with foreign countries. It was usually neighbouring lands, most of all it was summer vacation in Croatia. But I have really nice memories of these days. Next I started travelling with my schoolmates and by the time I finished my studies I’ve been around most of the Europe and once outside it, when I visited my relatives in Canada. «
The reason for travelling mostly around Europe were of financial nature, but also because while he was young he wanted to stay closer to home. When he started to earn his own money all restrictions were gone, about the destination.
Miran was interested in many things, but above all geography and history, so travelling always offered many interesting things. He loves to learn about new places, new cultures and many times he remembers the things learned in school when he comes to historical places around the globe.
Do you travel privately or also as part of your work?
Miran: »There were some nearby countries I’ve been to on business, such as Belgium, Germany or Russia, but this is really rare and business travel are just a small part of all of my travels. I’ve also learned that if I travel for business I get to see only very little, so it’s not a comparable experience.«
Such a passionate traveller as Miran naturally plans his journeys on his own. He tried organized travels and saw Moscow, Morocco and St. Petersburg that way, but as other travellers, he prefers going in his own arrangement as making plans is already a very pleasant challenge.
How long are your travels?
Miran: »Do to my work, I cannot travel for longer than 15 days. So my travels outside Europe take two weeks, but the travels around Europe can be also shorter, they can even be just for a weekend. I organize my travels so I get to see and experience as much as possible while travelling.«
Miran has been to many destination, but he rarely shares them with us. He decided to share some experience for the
Globetrotter. He is, however, a regular guest of the local radio Murski val, where he presents his travel accounts. Every time he comes back from an interesting journey, they invite him to tell an anecdote to the listeners.
Do you ever “cash-in” your travels?
»No, until now I made presentation and reports on voluntary bases. I present my travels on the radio, but also in your – Globetrotter – web magazine. I’ve also presented my travels to classes at the high school in Murska Sobota and I was a hidden guest at the High School in Radenci, where I’ve talked about my travels.«
How many countries have you visited?
Miran: »I’ve been to 84 countries. I’ve visited every single European country and have been to all continents except Antarctica. I have also visited two internationally unrecognised countries (Transnistriya in Moldova and the Northen Cyprus), 3British overseas territories (Gibraltar, the islands of Turks & Caicos, and Cayman islands), 2 special territories within China (Hong Kong and Macao), 2 American territories (Puerto Rico and American Virgin Islands), 1 French overseas territory (the island of Saint Martin) and a part of the Kingdom of Netherlands in the Caribbean (which used to be known as the Dutch Antilles) Sint Maartin, which is the south part of the island of Saint Martin (known for the airport with the landing strip crossing the Maho Beach).«

As the most interesting continent he would chose Australia, mostly due to the different flora and fauna, and also the weather suited him. As a single destination, however, he prefers south-east Asia. It’s cheap and different. It’s a different religion, different race, different culture… but he also loves returning to Canada, where he has many family members. He was there 5 times already. As Europe and America were basically colonized by the same people, they are quite similar, unlike parts of Asia that were also colonize by Europeans yet kept their authenticity.
You say you prefer traveling alone?
Miran: »Yes, I prefer to travel alone, as then I don’t have to consider anybody so I can get it done my way. It is sometimes good to travel with somebody, however, especially as then you can split some costs.«
Have you ever had any bad experience?
Miran: »Considering the many travels I’ve had, there were really few bad experiences. South Africa does stand out, though. It was in the centre of Johannesburg, when 5 dark skinned thugs robbed me in an armed robbery. I still can’t get over the lost photos of my 15 days in South Africa and Swaziland.«
His list of countries he hasn’t been to yet include Vietnam, Peru, Bolivia, American West and he is sure, this will change in the future. With enough time and will he is sure he’ll get to those parts of the world also.