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Top 5 of every city

Every city has a soul with a unique culture, special food, drink and of course, specific people. If you would like to truly feel the pulse of the city, it is good to stick to the principle: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Here are five more tips about what you really need to experience when you are abroad.


1. Try local food

Whenever we travel, wherever we are and whatever we do, are we gourmets or not, we need energy for new ventures. Yes, we need food, but in foreign countries completely unknown flavors have different charm. Like Bled cream cake is much sweeter on the terrace with a beautiful view on the lake. Thus, the best pasta is in Italy, the Turks are masters of sweets and in Istanbul you must try the "Fish kebap" served from the boat that had just tied to the dock with a fresh catch. Various opulent smells on the streets are like a magnet and sometimes it is impossible to resist them. In the evening on the market Djemaa el-Fna in Marrakech you are embraced by a mixture of smells - from boiled snails, sheep's innards to baked or fried fish, Kus Kus and fresh vegetables and fruit. But food is much more than just refreshment. Culture of local people can be recognized through the food preparation which varies as much as eating habits. Indians eat very spicy food like most Asians. Germans love the potatoes in a hundred and one way, the Japanese eat raw fish, Mexicans tortillas. Anywhere in the Arab world is allowed to eat only with your right hand, left is used in a toilette. Chinese, Thai, Korean ... use chopsticks, while Indians prefer to eat with their hands. In Japan you may loudly slurp noodles, as that will be a great compliment to cook. While in most European countries slurping is considered impolite. Only ways to deal with lunch, dinner or brunch are quite different and often entertaining, not to mention the divine tastes that global cuisine offers.

2. Tequila, wine or tea

As each country has a traditional dish, it definitely has a traditional drink. Religion often interferes with everyday life and affects are visible even in eating and drinking habits of people. Both Hindus and Muslims avoid alcohol while during the Mass Christian priest always drinks a glass of vine. Slovenes are very proud of their wines. Visit of wine cellars can be a very interesting experience, although vigilance in dosing is never too much. The Germans held a special festival in late September and according to the amount of beer drunk in the days of the festival, we could say that is dedicated to this drink. At last year's Oktoberfest visitors drank for three Olympic swimming pools of beer, ate 118 oxen and a few thousand chickens. Complete opposite are Indians, who mostly do not drink alcohol. India runs on chai (tea) that is cooked with half water and half milk, black tea, sugar and spices. In Brazil enjoy in a capirinha cocktail, in Mexico you have to taste tequila, and vodka in Russia.

3. Brovse the local market

Mostly hidden behind the corner or opens up, when you step through the small street. Markets are full of life, where merchants are loudly announcing their offers, where locals negotiate for the best purchase and where you can find everything from live animals, arts, junk to fruits and vegetables. In many countries you have to bargain at markets, if you do not want to be ripped off. In Dubai there is a glamorous vast souk (as the Arabs call an open market) where only gold is sold. Totally different story is India, where the markets are anything but those in Dubai, but hide other treasures. It is necessary to bargain, even if only for apples or grapes, because for foreigners original prices are at least one hundred percent higher than normal. Chinese markets are extremely diverse, there you really can find anything your heart desires or not. The offer is certainly much different than in Maribor’s flea market, which has an enviable visit every Sunday. Although Maribor’s flea market has become as marketplace of clothing, fruit, vegetables, tools and appliances, there remain a few collectors of antiques. Every major European city certainly has the flea market, where the range of goods can tell a lot about life and habits of local residents.

4. Drive like locals

Through different countries public transport differs as much as the price of the tickets. The western world has a well-organized public transport, which means that there are no major delays that there are no hens and crops driving with me and that the vehicle moves more than 50 kilometers per hour. However, throughout any country I wander, the best adventures occurred right on the cheapest means of transport. In Morocco there are several types of buses are more expensive have air-condition, those without air-condition ("chicken buses" as we call them) are cheaper. With chicken bus we drove over the pass and the women were vomiting, children crying, men sat on the floor and hens were (thank God) on the roof of the vehicle. In India they say that it is more convenient to travel by train, but ten-hour delays are not unusual, however, the bus frequently brakes down. Notwithstanding all the inconveniences that can occur on the "chicken buses", those are the memories that remain for a life time. The advantage of traveling with the locals is that soon you will find a pleasant interlocutor, or even a friend. If you use local transport you will save a lot of money, in addition, you will never be bored as on buses, trains, ferries there is always something going on.

5. Admire the nature

City noise, crowds, traffic and consequent pollution are the reasons why we have to relax our senses in nature. A short hop from town to the nearby forest, on a sandy beach or on the paddy fields can be a balm for body and soul. Nature hides a myriad of natural pearls, the beautiful waterfalls, vast fields of buckwheat, snowy mountain peaks, glacial lakes, which are caught between the surrounding mountains and sandy deserts that have no end in sight. Icing on the cake in this natural beauty are animals. Ubud’s monkey forest on Bali is a magnet for tourists where you can watch from up close small, medium and large monkeys. African safaris (Kenya, Tanzania) offer amazingly beautiful landscape and animals in their natural environment, we see only in documentary films. In Thailand is popular an elephant ride or taking picture with a lion. Under water world is also worth mentioning, coral reefs are due to the diversity of species as a magnet for scuba divers.

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