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5 Reasons for Sleeping in Hostels

You can find hostels in almost every city. They are not only the cheapest accommodation but much more. We can choose our hostel based on our interests and our activities in the city. But why choose a hostel?


1. Price and location

Hotels can be pretty pricey and if you want to save some money for entrance fees, trying some local cuisine or for souvenirs, a hostel is the right choice for you. You don’t really spend a lot of time in a room in a foreign city so an expensive hotel room may seem like a waste of money which you could spend for exploring the city – for the entrance fee to a museum that you wanted to see or a play in a local theatre which shines the energy and the culture of the city. Location is one of the most important thing that you should consider while booking an accommodation as it is the starting point of your travels and you can save some money with choosing the right location also. If you pick a hostel in the centre of the city or close to things that you want to see, you will save yourself a lot of worry and watching the public transportation schedule because you will not need it that much.

2. Breakfast

Usually breakfast is included in the price of the accommodation in a hostel. You can also save a lot of money with included breakfast because then you will have to pay for one meal less. Check if the hostel you chose offers breakfast. There is usually a breakfast buffet so you can stuff yourself and get the fuel for exploring the city.

3. Offers and Deals

Bed and breakfast are not the only thing you will find in a hostel. Hostels organize trips to other cities or to the countryside, sport activities, hiking, social events and more and more. Why would you want to sleep in a boring hotel when you can find a fun hostel, meet new people and find out something about the culture which wouldn’t be the case if you would be exploring the city alone. Do you want fun? Choose a hostel with a pub. If you’re not in a party mood, choose a hostel with a quieter location. Hostels also offer free maps of the city, discounts and the staff could give you some tips about seeing an attraction that you shouldn’t miss. Usually there is also free wi-fi which will be helpful with communicating with your family or planning the next day.

4. Wide Offer of Rooms

Hostels don’t offer only dorms but also private rooms, there are dorms exclusive for women or men, en-suite rooms … You are making a choice – if you want to meet other people, you can choose a dorm. If you want some privacy and rest in peace, you can choose a private room. Everything depends on your preferences, interests and your financial plan. Hostel can offer all the benefits of a hotel but for less money.

5. Meeting New People

Hostels usually offer a lounge and a kitchen where people can relax, cook themselves meals and hang out with other guests. You can meet people from all over the world and make some new friends. Why wouldn’t you visit your new friend from Japan next time you travel whom you met in Germany? Why wouldn’t you learn some new words in a language that you always liked but not spoke? Do you travel alone? You can spend a day with a person you met in the hostel and drive away your loneliness. The atmosphere in a hostel is much more relaxed and welcoming than in a hotel, people are more open and you can hardly leave a hostel without a new friend.
For care-free and wallet-friendly accommodation, you can choose one of the hostel from Hostelling International which have the best and high quality hostels for years. You can check the offer of the hostels on

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