We're sure you've heard, but we'll say it again: United Nations proclaimed 2017 to be the year of sustainable tourism so Hostelling International devoted one month to a certain topic and chose the star projects, hostels who were doing extremely well in that area. It was a great year for sustainability and tourism and HI definitely kept their hostels busy.
February was the month of
Consuming Sustainably, which means that hostels make conscious decision on buying products that ensures continued great service and quality for the guests and also supports the communities and minimises the negative impact on the environment. Hostelling International gave some tips on what you can do as a
responsible traveller. March was dedicated to
Our Nature. We talked about managing our waste production and water consumption and how it affects the pillars of sustainable development.
Here you can read how you can recycle, reduce and reuse waste.
April was about
Achieving carbon neutrality and
here are some tips on how you can minimize your CO2 emissions. In May, we talked about
Mobility at HI Hostels and inclusive travels and stays for all. Did you know that 75% of CO2 emissions in tourism is produced by the transportation sector?
June was dedicated to
Our people – Caring for our staff and volunteers. Hostelling wouldn’t be what it is today without the employees, volunteers and interns. Hostelling contributes to building a more peaceful and sustainable future and we have to be proud of working in a multicultural environment that embraces diversity. In July, we remembered
Our Communities, about giving back and building bridges. We have to be aware that tourism has a massive impact on the people that live in the destination and hostelling movement tries to support the communities around the hostels. In
August we looked at
Our Friends – Engaging guests. Hostels are not just about having a place to stay, they are places for travellers to come together and share. Not just rooms but their cultures, minds and hearts. You can read something about ways to make a positive difference
here. In September we talked about money – about
Financial Sustainability and creating fair profit and network development. HI has to ensure fair profit to allow investment and continue to deliver their mission. Did you help by buying a HI membership card or staying in HI hostels? Then thank you!

In October, the topic was
Protecting Destinations: Culture and Biodiversity. It is important to protect everything that a destination is, so that future generations can also learn about the diverse culture and biodiversity of that particular place. HI hostels are located in UNESCO world heritage sites and they welcome travellers who seek to discover the history of a destination and its people while learning about ways to protect it. And last but not least, November was dedicated to
Building Resilience in Our Organisation. HI’s mission is one of the earliest examples of sustainable tourism. It was born in 1932 and it still strives to incorporate responsible practices among their members. These past months we have been mentioning topics that have always been parts of our mission. We need you to join us and help us with this mission in the future.

We want to thank you for being with us in this year, trying to make this world a better place. We hope you’ll stay with us in the future and maintain this world in the same condition (or better) for our future generations. Take a look of the Review of 2017 in video.