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Travelling for (almost) free?

Do you want to travel but you never gotten enough money to get your butt on the way? Do you want your travels to have purpose and do you want to make money while you’re travelling or at least cover your expenses? Did you know that you can travel, enjoy it and not go bankrupt and even learn something on the way? When we think about voluntary work abroad we first think about third world country who need help. These are definitely typical destinations where people like to go but prices are extremely high even for volunteers. In Europe they are also happy of every volunteer. Here are a few destinations where you can go this summer or even for the whole year. The decision is yours.



Ireland is a beautiful country with kind people and many opportunities for volunteering.  Currently there is more than 25 volunteer programs and a lot of them come with food and housing. Ireland is also hosting some financed seminars which invite the young to participate in the conference, learn about economy and get to know the culture of Ireland. The country is kind to people on budget and the language is not so foreign as they speak mostly English. You can work in a hostel, write articles and, if you’re interested in photography and film, they would be happy if you would capture the beautiful moments which the country offers. More about interesting jobs:


Spain is kind to the tourists with a lot of diverse landscape. The way there won’t cost you a fortune and the crime level is low. They offer work in hostels, you can explore the wilderness, the coast or see the Spanish culture from the first hand while working with children and help them learn and improve their lives. Are you interested in fashion? You will find voluntary work in Madrid where you will work with fashion, you will be exposed to fashion industry and build connections that are so important in this business. In exchange for your time (and some money) they will offer you quality housing, training and transportation in the city.


Poland is a country with a rich history and always gladly accepts the tourists and volunteers who are happy to work for housing and food. Even though Poland is usually not on the list of dream destinations, there are many people who are surprised when they visit Poland since this is a very friendly country with kind people and prices which are suitable for people on a budget. Coloured houses in Wroclaw, rich architecture in Krakow and in Warsaw will amaze you and you will learn something new. There are many possibilities, they are inviting you to work with children and talk to them in English, you can help on a farm or in an orchard or you can help building house from straw and clay. Of course there are also voluntary jobs in big cities where you can work in a hostel or in a kitchen. Check some jobs here.

Czech Republic

The programs in Czech Republic invite you to work in nature, on festivals or you can build houses. The choice is huge so you can adjust it to your taste. If you want a project for a short term, you can apply on different financed projects. Czech Republic is inviting you on the pilgrimage on Maria Stock for those who want to be one with the nature, are interested in personal growth and in Czech culture. The participants will also learn how to lead and organize big events.

South Korea

Those who want to travel to South Korea will find job in hostels and they will offer you accommodation and food. There are also photography, design and social networking jobs available. With the job in the hostel you won’t get to know only the city but also the travellers who are very much like you and locals who will tell you from the first hand what is worth seeing. South Korea is today known for the war area but it also organizes a project every year where you can, for a very small price, join with the youth on the project, get to know Korean culture and make new memories. This year they will clean the ecological peace park which is an international symbol for peace between South and North Korea which is definitely an interesting experience. You can find out more about the project here:


Germany offers beautiful mountains, valleys, big forests and clean cities with beautiful architecture. It also borders on 9 countries which is a perfect starting point for next travels. Through European Voluntary Service you can work with minorities, learn something about their cultures, work on the farms or even help building a boat. There is a wide variety of work and they usually offer you accommodation and food in exchange which means more money for further travels and exploring the places, museums and cuisine.
If you want to become a volunteer and travel you won’t have any problems. Only few looks on the web sites will open your world and soon you will have difficulties with deciding which country you’ll choose. Choose something that will build your skills and that will also look good on your CV and you will do something fun and good for your career. Every culture is different and special and has to be appreciated and respected. Voluntary work will enrich your experiences and make you a stronger person as you will meet new things. The possibilities are many, you can help the children or the turtles, learn how to be a journalist, photographer or you can decide to be a part of the project that will tell you more about the culture and about the theme of the project. You can find many interesting projects on the web site of Hostelling International Slovenia or you can find out more about travelling on a budget here.

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