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Christmas atmosphere in Radovljica

An early christmas atmosphere in Radovljica in October 

At the end of October, the old town centre of Radovljica was transformed into an idyllic, decorated Christmas wonderland. Fir tree garlands were wound around the snow covered town houses. Well stocked stalls appeared where yesterday there were none. Locals and tourists found themselves in the midst of a fairytale atmosphere. As if caught in a time bubble, they could also be extras during the recording of an advertising spot for a world renowned Italian pastry.
The Radovljica Mansion House, Šivec House and other houses were illuminated like never before. The Youth Hostel Radovljica, hosted the film crew. Its unique location in the centre of Radovljica's old town square, and with its feeling for hospitality and tradition, the Youth Hostel Radovljica is one of the most interesting places in town. From the Renaissance Hall, the film crew certainly had one of the best views of their cast.
It captured everyone's interest. Christmas time, wherever and whenever, awakens pleasant emotions in people which they like to retain for as long as possible. This year in Radovljica it began early in October and will last long into winter. Ahead of us is 'Merry December in Radovljica' with a Christmas and New Year market, Santa Claus and Jack Frost, puppets, games and the most beautiful fir tree in the land.

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