It was a wonderful evening in November when me and my new friends decided to visit the coast, which was a minute away. First we jumped in the store and bought a bottle of juice and then we enjoyed a wonderful evening by the sea, listening the waves and the wind. We tried to relax and give the thoughts to the sea.
Everything was great until Sophie decided to play “red chair”. Whoever is sitting in a chair can be asked anything. It was too much for two people and they left into the night. Three people stayed. I can’t forget this night, as everything in me moved.
Soon the questions turned into a real debate. The theme of the conversation was friendship. Remy, with whom I’m still in touch, told us that he never had any friends and that he was bullied. My friend from Germany had the same story and soon tears were in her eyes. I didn’t know what to say, I was confused and I felt guilty. Why didn’t we just stay there. Where I can be just me and no one else. But everything happened for a reason.

I couldn’t get that night out of my head. I remembered the first night, when Remy and I were talking near the fire on the beach until 3 in the morning. In that evening I felt that this is going to be a real friendship. But I was bothered by my dishonesty. I decided to tell him the truth. I was very nervous, I didn’t know how he will take the truth. Maybe I shouldn’t think about it too much because I knew him for only a couple of days but I felt the need for honesty. Time for the truth came and the reaction was positive. Remy accepted the truth and encouraged me to be who I am. There’s no need to play games, what matters is honesty, that friends feel and accept.
I will never forget that moment, as it encouraged me to accept myself for who I am. I noticed that life and my energy invite the right people. People who accept me for who I am and like me with every flaw. Everyone else doesn’t matter. I decided to respect myself and believe my image and to be honest. What else awaits on my path, for which I hope that never ends?
And you? Are you honest to yourself and your close ones? Do you accept yourself the way you are and dare to look in the mirror? Take a look at your reflection. If you can’t honestly say to yourself: “I love you,” then it’s time for a change. Maybe time for travelling?