Gaining new knowledge in the forest
Who doesn't know the story of Hansel and Gretel? I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. I've experienced it in a whole new but educational way.
It was the beginning of my walk and after three days a nice driver stopped and asked me if I need help. I was polite in declining, but he didn't give up so easily. He said – get in and you'll see what follows. No more words spent, I jumped into the van and after a few minutes the guy said: "Look, water everywhere – a dog could not pass this part."
The expression on my face was now confused, the next time surprised, but I did not get scared until I've heard the radio report about roads being closed around us due to water. FLOODS?!
The van driver stopped and wished me luck and I've left the vehicle with mixed feelings. I didn't know what to do, but found the answer soon enough. I've decided to go to the nearby forest. I started walking and couldn't believe that after two hours I still wasn't out of the woods yet. A strong wind was blowing and it poured cats and dogs. First I got scared, but next I saw smoke in the distance, that was reaching for the sky at not too big a distance.

At first I didn't know what to do, but quickly continued the way towards the place from which the smoke came and soon saw a house with a colourful roof looking like a rainbow. As soon as I've seen it I thought of Hansel and Gretel story. I went to the front door and knocked. A smiling elderly man with a white beard opened the door. He also had white moustaches and long curly hair. First I've said hello and then explained I got lost in the woods. I told the man I was walking, but made a detour due to the floods … He was listening with interest and before I've finished the story, he jumped in. If you want to, you're welcome at my place until the weather gets better and you can go on.
It was a no brainer and I've said yes, but only if I can help around to pull my weight. The man accepted and showed me where I could sleep. First I saw there was no electricity in the house, just a furnace and many candles and lanterns. First I was appalled, but was relieved I at least had a roof over the head. Everything else will wait, just as long as I'm safe.
So the days were passing and the man taught me new skills each day. First I've learned things about different trees. All about it, how to plant it, how to tell if it's alive or not … next day he told me he only used the compost toilet as it's a great fertilizer that you can use for plants after a year.
He showed me how to make a compass and how to get some essentials without the need of money. He showed me around and it was breath taking nature, where he taught me about the gardening skills.
All the time I was there he made tasty vegan meals and upon my leaving he wished me luck and invited me for another visit any time I was in the neighbourhood. I can tell you, I've learned more useful things in a week with the old man of the woods than I have in my whole life.