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Sunny state of Florida – part II

To the south of Miami Beach there’s a group of thousands of islands, which are like a string of pearls in the green-blue sea, known as the Florida Keys and stretch from the south shore of Florida deep into the Gulf of Mexico. The two larger islands of Virginia Key (with the famous Miami aquarium) and Key Biscayne (with Crandon Beach – in my opinion the most beautiful beach in this part of Florida – one of the 10 most beautiful American beaches) are already part of the Florida Keys – part of the Miami – Dade districts.


But the real Caribbean part of the islands begin, where the road called US 1, running from Maine to the eastern most part of the Keys, finally leaves the mainland Florida and cross the first of 42 bridges. Here, where the US1 connects most of the larger islands, it is known as the „Overseas Highway“, for most of the road really does go over the open seas. IT’s a 4 hour drive that takes you from Miami to the island and town in the Caribbean part of the US called Key West. In the past, this was among the richest settlements in the whole US. Explaining the origin of the name, the Americans claim it derives from the Spanish word for bone (hueso), which the first discoverers found as they landed on the island. It’s a much more poetic explanation than simply to say, it’s the geographically most western island of the group, so they named it the west one.

It’s impossible to say, weather the story of the Spanish origin of the name is true or not, but the fact is, the tourism is the main economic drive for the island. As once the famous author Hemmingway, so today many tourists come to the island and enjoy the beautiful weather that lasts the whole year round. Key West is the only place in the US that never had frost bite. Apart from the weather, the architecture is very appealing too. People love taking walks down the Duval – the main street with wooden, colourful, two-story houses on both sides. Built in the 19th century, there are many palm trees and bushes decorating the houses and gardens. At the end of the Duval is the pole which represents the southernmost part of the continental USA. Needless to say, there’s than also the southernmost house, the southernmost hotel and the southernmost furniture store nearby. And this point is only 90 miles away from Cuba. And the south side of the island also features the most beautiful beaches with white sand and coconut trees.

As said, Cuba is very near, that’s why Key West used to be the target for many illegal emigrants, which used it as the base to reach other parts of the US. That’s why the government set up a border crossing like station on the mainland part of Florida’s highway, where all who crossed had to be clearly identified.  That’s why the Key West citizens felt like second rate citizens of the US and have left the Union. In 1982 they announced their independence from the US under the name of Conch Republic (conch is a seashell). They announced war on the US, but surrendered to them in the very next minute. With this action they wanted to attract the attention of the US government towards their troubles and succeeded, for the roadblock was removed. But the pride in having their own republic remained and they still call themselves Conchs and have their own flag and a special license plate in the front of the car (the state of Florida only requires you to have the licence plate in the back) with their own flag and inscription Conch republic. If you pay enough money, you can even get their passport. This “political” action has raised the interest for Key West, which reflected very positive in their tourist income.

The island is in the media mostly in the summer months, due to hurricanes, which are very frequent in the Gulf of Mexico. The island has the evacuation duty – which means, if the alarm is raised, everybody must leave the island. All the inhabitants must leave the island empty and head for mainland Florida to find shelters. A hurricane in 1935 devastated the train station and the entire railway, which was the prelude to the US1 highway. The railroad was never rebuilt, but parts of its foundations were used for the highway. The weather reflects in the architecture as well. Most of the houses are built on poles, so they are not affected by high tide or floods. Most islands are very close to the sea level (low – in Spanish cayo – thus the name keys) and small rise in the water level can cause flooding. This is, naturally, also the most global warming aware part of the USA, due to the danger raise of the sea level.  But until the worst happens, these Caribbean islands will be – like mainland Florida – with their beautiful weather and wondrous vegetation – a popular destination for tourists from all over the world.

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