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Carnival festivities in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Joy and colours are taking over the streets and there is nothing that prevents you from enjoying what you have been waiting for a year: the Carnival of Tenerife. It is the most famous party of the Island that has been putting smiles on people’s faces for centuries, bringing them rhythm, glitter and wildness.


The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival is the most “Brazilian” of all the Spanish carnivals, and it is famous all over the world. For fifteen days, the streets of the city come alive with joie de vivre, freedom and extravagance.

The gala to elect the Carnival Queen, one of the carnival’s main events, is held on the first Wednesday in the weeks of festivities. In this spectacular competition, all the candidates parade in all their glamour on a 1,200 metre square stage wearing the most fantastic costumes, that can weigh more than a hundred kilos. Once the queen has been elected, the parade, announcing the start of the Carnival, takes place on the Friday: thousands of people and dozens of musical groups fill the streets for hours forming an indescribable multicolored snake of joy. Over the three next days, the city devotes itself to music and fun as the different carnival groups perform. The witty and ironic lyrics of the songs talk about current social and political themes, all treated with a good dose of humour.

And the peak comes on Carnival Tuesday with “el Coso”, a spectacular parade which will amaze everyone who sees it. The next day the Burial of the Sardine marks the end of the festivities: the spirit of Carnival, symbolised by the sardine, is carried through the streets on a funeral bier, and is then set on fire and consumed by the flames to the despair of the entourage of inconsolable and “grief-stricken” widows, widowers and mourners. The final ending, however, is really the celebration of the “Piñata Chica” at the weekend, with shows, dances and parades. If you are planning to come to the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival you should make your arrangements well in advance. It is worth coming!

On the Island you will find several hostels as an accommodation option. Book in advance so you don’t run out of space!

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