Spending your pastime usefully is certainly a wonderful thing for both sides, for the parents and as well for the children. The outcome of it is mutual satisfaction. Personally I'm doing this alone with two children, visiting the beautiful peaks of Slovenia and also some neighbouring countries.
And then followed the first mountain over 2000 meters high
Because all of the peaks were not reachable with a stroller, I began to carry my daughter first in a baby carrier and then in a backpack. Even with the carrier we climbed our first two-thousand-meters-high mountain together – Obir in Austria which can be easily comparable with a walk. After that many mountains followed. I choose all the mountains very carefully, because the safety is of the outmost importance. But the nature in Slovenia offers a lot, so it is not hard to choose simple yet beautiful peaks to climb on. In fact, the selection also depends on the condition of the parents. Since my daughter was born I profoundly changed the selection of mountains to climb on. Before her birth I was not happy if the ascent was not demanding, if there was not at least a little bit of climbing involved. But now, together with my daughter I climbed a lot of mountains, which I probably never would. I'm getting to know a different part of Slovenia that never seizes to amaze me.
For one extreme, for the other a daily experiences
The idea that the sports such as caving, ski touring, cross-country skiing and others are extreme sports is not foreign to many people. But for someone who grows up with that sort of activity, this is just an everyday sport. Therefore, we already visited some non-demanding caves that are not heavily populated with tourists. In winter time we are regularly practicing cross-country skiing, doing simple tours with touring skis and walks with snowshoes.
What is in it for the children?
With all my activities the question often arises, just how does the children benefit from this. The fact that my daughter hadn't had a real cold not once let alone was otherwise ill, is one of the facts, which show the many good sides of active life. Fresh air and contact with the mother are just the best for the child. Why should active parents change their lives and become unhappy, if we can just only slightly adjust our activities and do everything together with our children? Parents are the ones that dictate the pace, not children. We are the ones that introduce our young ones into this world, we show them everything we do. If we do this the right way, they will also be active and will know how to appreciate the nature and sports, which is undoubtedly the best thing we, fans of that kind of lifestyle, can give them.
I'm not the only one
It is true that I am a different kind of mother but I am doing the best I can for my children, although in a slightly different way than others would expect. I give my child what I prefer and now already two of them are living this lifestyle to the fullest, living with the nature and experiencing many adventures. While browsing the Internet I read that there are quite a few such parents. But we are rare and from all parts of the world. A mommy in Arizona regularly sets into American national parks and along with her daughter climbs the boulders, mother from California is discovering the canyons with her son, there are some parents in Switzerland and Austria, and probably elsewhere.
Second pregnancy
This time, no one told me about the upcoming changes that might be introduced into my active lifestyle because of the another pregnancy. Maybe there were questions like: 'Will she be able to do it now?' And I am. The second pregnancy was, just like the first one, a very good news for us, although it was in comparison with the first a bit more planned. In the first half of pregnancy practically almost nothing changed. Still, I often used to go to the mountains with my daughter, I went running and biking with the baby stroller, I even travelled. All that while I was also studying and doing many other things. And yes, of course I must not forget to mention that I am working full-time. When my rounded belly was starting to show, I went to the mountains only with my partner or with friends who have helped me to carry my daughter. But with the stroller I was active until the end, until the day before the birth.
Active with two children
And then my son was born. We named him after his father, cherishing the rich family tradition. After the birth I firstly had to deal with my daughter’s jealousy, but this was soon over. To remain active, I was forced to purchase a stroller, designed for two. Prices are really high, but for active parents, unfortunately, there are no other offers. Anyway, it pays off to buy a stroller that allows you to continue your active sports life. There are also a variety of carriers for children in the market that are suitable even from birth onwards. My daughter was three weeks old when she was at the top of the mountain Uršlja gora, and when my son reached that age we climbed at the top of Kamniški vrh. From that time on we go from one activity to another. Together my children already been to many mountains, cycling and cross-country ski tours, and on a trips abroad. I realized that even with two children I can resume an active life. It is true that the stroller is much heavier, but found that even more positive. Upon running or cycling with them I get only more fit. And you can never be too much fit.
Where does the motivation come from?
What is the reason that drags you to stay so active? This is probably the most frequent question that many ask me when they see me running up the hill with a stroller, or when I have it connected to the bike and am cycling to the top of Pohorje. Let alone when they see me in the winter, cross-country skiing with the stroller or wearing a heavy backpack with my daughter on the top of a two-thousand-meters-high mountain. Motivation is no longer the time spent conquering the top of a mountain or riding my bike to the top of Pohorje. Now I can stop in the middle of the track and am still happy. Mountains may be attractive, but here is where the adaptation kicks in. Sometimes I went over myself to reach a demanding peak or to crawl into a deep pit full of straits. Return from the mountain, if I haven't reached the top, or return from the cave, where I didn't reach the bottom, was difficult. Now the motivation is elsewhere. It is in socializing, playing, and staying as long as possible in the fresh air. In short spending quality time together. Mothers should not forget about themselves, giving all their life only to their child. What use will the children later have for an unhappy mother? They imitate us, and it is right that we are happy when we are with them, one way or another.
"Children are the mirror of their parents", but not many are aware of that. If you are spending all the time with your kids at home on the couch watching television every day, you are later on not supposed to get angry at your teenager for doing exactly the same. They will live the life, presented to them. If they grow up in a sporting spirit, they will undoubtedly love sports. However, this is not always the rule.
Being a mother is the most beautiful and most difficult "job". I accepted this mission as only positive, kept my active lifestyle, introduced both of my children into it and the results are already visible, health and happiness. Their father and his lifestyle influence will come a little later in life, but nevertheless soon. His life is music, which he will also introduce to them. And then? Will there be even more comments about our parenting when the kids will stay up late, listening the pleasant sounds of his father's trumpet, playing at a concert long past their bed time?