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Why hostel

When planning a holiday or a short break, we all carefully contemplate where we will accommodate. Of course, our decisions are based on certain preferences and unfortunately also on limitations, mainly financial. We have a variety of overnight accommodation facilities varying from hotels, motels, private accommodation, campsites and increasingly popular youth hostels. There are still a lot of people who at the word hostel get the image of some kind of a dorm occupied predominantly by young population, while hotels are more peaceful and appropriate for all aged guests who want a relaxing holiday. This is no more a case, as hostels are becoming more and more an alternative holiday accommodation, where guests can find a quiet place to rest at a much lower cost. And what are the key differences between a hotel and hostel beside affordable accommodation?

The rooms in the hostel are slightly smaller and equipped with multiple beds, as they are more tailored to the needs of travelers. A typical guest of a hostel is still a younger person, but more and more elderly visitors, who are young at hearts, are choosing hostels as they don’t want a typical hotel room, but to experience something new and different. Peculiarity of a hostel is  that rooms  have  shared shower and toilet facilities. Of course it is possible in some hostels to hire a so-called ensuite, which is similar to a hotel room with a private bathroom. Mc Brežice hostel has three such ensuites, which are primarily inquired by young and older couples. Hostels don’t offer only accommodation, but also provide food. The most commonly food service provided in hostels is a buffet breakfast and some hostels can also offer other meals if they have a canteen. In the MC hostel Brežice we offer a breakfast buffet but for larger groups of 10 or more people we can arrange catering, prepared by local restaurants. Hostels also offer other hotel services such as tourist information of the area, internet, laundry, changing sheets, towels and even purchasing souvenirs.
Staying in a hostel is one of the best opportunities to experience the world, other cultures as hostels are often associated with youth centers, which offer a variety of activities and cultural programs. No matter what type of accommodation travelers chose the importance is in the experience and memories they take with themselves.

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