Apart from the numerous permanent displays, we hold several temporary exhibitions. The exhibition Sto let brnenja na našem nebu, which is about the Rusjan brothers, runs from 25th March until 3rd December 2010.
From 23rd April until the end of June 2010 we will hold the traveling exhibition Personalities Of Science And Technology in Slovakia, which was prepared by the Slovak National Museum Bratislava together with the Slovak Technical Museum Košice.
This year we have also prepared a temporary exhibition about the lynx in Slovenia The beginning of the generation of Štefa and Arpad, which will be on display from 23rd April until 3rd December 2010.
Apart from the guided tour through the museum exhibitions, visitors can attend several workshops and demonstrations, through which they can truly experience the technical spirit of the past. Saturdays are set aside for adult education courses and workshops where visitors can learn calligraphy (10. 4. at 9 a.m.), Tiffany technique (17. 4. 2010 at 9 a.m.), felt making (17. 4. 2010 at 9 a.m.) and bread baking in traditional earthen oven workshop (24. 9. 2010 at 10 a.m.).
On Sunday in addition to a guided tour (11. 4. 2010 at 2 p.m.) and art history guided tour (18. 4. 2010 at 2 p.m.), there are also demonstrations of basket weaving (4. 4. 2010 at 3 p.m.), of log sawing by the Venetian sawmill (18. 4. 2010 at 3p.m.), of wooden wheel – making (25. 4. 2010 at 3p.m.).
We organize also free workshops for children (11. 4. 2010 at 2p.m.) and workshops for families (prepared by modeling club SVET V MALEM) (25. 4. 2010 between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m.).
Regular programmes of events and opening hours are circulated in the media, as well as in our regular attractions and TMS website - www.tms.si .
You are warmly welcome:
Tuesday-Friday: 8.00-16.00 (July, August): 10.00-18.00
Saturday: 9.00-17.00
Sunday and holidays: 10.00-18.00
For all the workshops advanced booking is needed through telephone 01/750 66 72, 041/957 146 or e-mail programi@tms.si .
Working demonstrations on Sunday can be viewed with the purchase of the museum ticket.
More information: info@tms.si, www.tms.si, 01/750 66 70, 01/436 64 90 .